Yunlin County Water Treatment plant, Taiwan

Yunlin County is a county in western Taiwan, located east of the Taiwan Strait, about 240 km from Taiwan capital city Taipei. It is a part of the Chianan Plain, a flat land where the outstanding economic activity is agriculture. The main source of water in the island is groundwater, which is presenting issues of chemical components that require treatment before water can be effectively supplied both in agricultural and residential use.
The local and national Governments are actively pursuing the construction of several new water treatment facilities to ensure proper supply of clear, usable water throughout Taiwan, particularly in the least developed counties of the Island, such as Yunlin County.
The projects are demanding for water storage facilities, as well as treatment facilities which require circular tanks of different diameters and height, depending on the type of process applied.
Geopanel was the formwork solution chosen for this project involving several water treatment round tanks to be erected as part of a water recycling plant in Yunlin County, Taiwan.
The project was inclusive of round tanks of different diameters, ranging from 8 meters to 21 meters, and Geopanel ultimately won the day thanks to its great modularity and adaptability to different designs, minimizing the investment in specific forms for each different element of the project.
The lightness of the panel, its ease of pre-assembly at the contractor's yard and of transportation to the job site, and the good quality of the finishing were also greatly appreciated features by all of those involved in the project.